Friday, March 9, 2007

This is an update

Sorry for the lack of updates and photos. I've been super busy. Good news, though. A new website is in the making. Have patience. I hope to have it up by the end of the month or early April. It'll be worth the wait.



Sunday, February 25, 2007

Need a break...

I'm sick of Korea right now. I'm sick of where I'm at in my life right now. I'm sick of who I am and what I see in myself. I've realized that I never finished dealing with certain things in my life. Big things.

Throughout my training in the army, I've learned to just put everything inside of me on the backburner. The water is boiling over. As I see thing's resurface, I see that I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I think I'm just really stubborn. I have to be macho all the time and not let anything show. I just go on with the day feeling nothing. You may see me, you may touch me and feel flesh and bone, but in all honesty, I'm not there. I don't know where I'm at right now, or, who I am trying to be. But, it's not me. I need a break. I need to put all my cards on the table and evaluate every part of my life. I have to do this for myself, for my wife and for our marriage.

I am far from perfect, but, I would at least like to be able to live up to my word. Sometimes, that's all I have.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This weekend was a good 4-day weekend. Saw a piece of Korean history that dates back over 500 years. Can't say that about much in America, now, can you? Unless you're Native American.

I went to a place called Gyeongbokgung Palace. Come on, say it with me...G-yeong-bok-gung. There you go, you got it. Beautiful place. It's a must see when in country. Alright, I'm off to bed. I have a Nikon D200 to dream about.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Years Day

It's Lunar New Year in Korea...whatever that means. I celebrated my new year almost two months ago. I think someone should tell them they're a little behind.

Didn't take much shots today. I spent most of the day catching subways and finding a gift for my wife. More will come. Patience please, to those who actually read this. If you do, comment. I'd like to see how thing's are going. I do write back.

Watched Smokin' Aces tonight. It was a really good movie. My friend James played and FBI Agent in that movie. He got his first speaking role, which is awesome. You can see him in the scene toward the end when Ryan Reynolds is heading back up to Buddy Israel's penthouse, and he sends the message over the radio. I pray that guy gets more opportunities in the movie industry. Anyways, check out the movie. It's a good one.

Pretty soon I will be shooting for clients here in Korea. Future photographs posted on here will be of them. I'm going to get a little side business started to make some extra money and built a portfolio in the time I'm here. Keep a look out for that.

I'm out.



My apologies for the lack of updates. New photographs will be posted this weekend. That, you can count on.


Currently listening to:

Until The Morning (Rewound by Thievery Corporation) Featuring Emiliana Torrini


I bought a new camera today. Nikon D200. Should be here soon. :)

Saturday, February 10, 2007


You'll do a lot of shopping in Myeongdong. If you can name it, they got it. If you can dream it, they've already got it. Spam is 50 bucks a can. Hopefully, I can get my D200 soon.

Yes, that is a photograph of me. And, yes, I wear glasses.

Current Playlist:
Emiliana Torrini - Fisherman's Woman
U2 - The Joshua Tree
John Legend - Once Again
J Dilla - Shining Instrumentals
Black Star - Black Star

Monday, February 5, 2007


I want to be close to you. Yes, I am so hungry. You're like water for my soul when it gets thirsty.

Today I went to a town called Osan. It is about an hour drive south down the peninsula. Some parts of the town had a modern Euro feel to them. Some of the nicest people in Korea are in Osan. I took a lot of photographs, but only a handful made the cut for the blog. I apologize, I am too much of a perfectionist, and, well, it's my art/work. I can do as I please with it. :)

I think shortly what I will start doing is selling some of my photographs. The photos you see here are lower quality, smaller versions of the originals. I shoot in Raw, so the picture quality is superb. So, if you looking to fill your home with something new, I will have photographs available for purchase at a reasonable price. Just to support what I do. You will have your choice of color or b&w with color monochrome prints. If you are interested, leave a comment or e-mail me at

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Neon heart, day glow eyes, a city lit by fireflies

Insadong. Beautiful.
Time won't leave me as I am. But, time won't take the boy out of this man.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I still haven't found what I'm looking for...

Korea has one of the most amazing subway systems I've ever seen. It's up there with Japan on my list. The architecture and design are brilliant. I could ride them all day. These are some shots from different locations in the station.



Yesterday I made my first trip to the DMZ. Nothing like having a 30 cal. aimed right at you by the North Koreans. It's a great tourist spot. I highly recommend visiting. :) I went to the DMZ for my supervisor's (Sgt. Bleistein) re-enlistment ceremony. Good times. Highest respect to anyone who makes the decision to extend their military career. Especially in a time like this.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Satyam Shivam Sundaram

I am in a state of contentment. I've counted my blessings. I have what I do not deserve. But, at the same time I am grateful. So I'll be separated from my wife for all of 2007. My marriage will be stronger. That is worth all the time we are apart. I love my wife. I don't see people loving their spouse that much anymore. But, I won't get into that. I truly adore her and I look forward to the day we are together again. I miss California as well. I took that place for granted. One of my best memories is when my wife and I went to the Getty Center on our honeymoon. It was a nice day to just relax and enjoy art and each other. If you're in California or visiting, and have never been to the Getty, I highly recommend going. Plan on spending the whole day there.
Life is good. Enjoy the little time we have here.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Yours truly

Incase you haven't seen me in uniform...

Animate the inanimate

Could there be any significance to the objects we pass by in our everyday lives? What about that broken, beat-down car on the side of the road? Is it home to families in third-world countries? What of the nonessential luxuries we buy and discard when they are no longer the latest fashion? The 10 pairs of shoes in your closet. The 9 pairs underneath my bed. And the child who digs through the trash hoping to find a pair, matching or not? We've got it made. Do you agree? You can discuss politics all you want while your sitting at that coffe shop with your peers, supporting the war or not. I have too much. Other's don't.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Here we go again


I finally got around to getting a blog. I've been meaning to put one up for the past 2 months or so. Here it is. I promise to keep this updated with writings and photography. Hopefully, everyday. Hello and goodbye from Korea.
