Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Years Day

It's Lunar New Year in Korea...whatever that means. I celebrated my new year almost two months ago. I think someone should tell them they're a little behind.

Didn't take much shots today. I spent most of the day catching subways and finding a gift for my wife. More will come. Patience please, to those who actually read this. If you do, comment. I'd like to see how thing's are going. I do write back.

Watched Smokin' Aces tonight. It was a really good movie. My friend James played and FBI Agent in that movie. He got his first speaking role, which is awesome. You can see him in the scene toward the end when Ryan Reynolds is heading back up to Buddy Israel's penthouse, and he sends the message over the radio. I pray that guy gets more opportunities in the movie industry. Anyways, check out the movie. It's a good one.

Pretty soon I will be shooting for clients here in Korea. Future photographs posted on here will be of them. I'm going to get a little side business started to make some extra money and built a portfolio in the time I'm here. Keep a look out for that.

I'm out.


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