Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Yesterday I made my first trip to the DMZ. Nothing like having a 30 cal. aimed right at you by the North Koreans. It's a great tourist spot. I highly recommend visiting. :) I went to the DMZ for my supervisor's (Sgt. Bleistein) re-enlistment ceremony. Good times. Highest respect to anyone who makes the decision to extend their military career. Especially in a time like this.



Anonymous said...

Great pictures David. Have you had a chance to see Pastor DavidYongie Cho's church, the biggest membership over 700,000 membership? If you do take some pictures for me of the local and site.
Our church continues to pray for you, that God will keep you safe at all times and bring you back to your family safe and sound.

God Bless,
Pastor Dell & Sonia Castro
Your Mom and Brother Jesus has been a support and blessing to Sonia and I, you have parents that really love you and support you 110%.

pastordell@mac.com said...

I am the anonymous, I just created a blogger account.

Pastor Dell

pastordell@mac.com said...

Keep in touch.

pastordell@mac.com said...

Let your Mom know that I did viewed the pictures and they were awesome. Keep the Faith and good work.